Will Trump Allow Single Gender Schools Again

Supporters of LGBTQ rights took to the street in a demonstration in front end of the U.S. Supreme Courtroom final October. Manuel Balce Ceneta/AP hibernate caption

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Manuel Balce Ceneta/AP

Supporters of LGBTQ rights took to the street in a demonstration in front of the U.S. Supreme Court concluding Oct.

Manuel Balce Ceneta/AP

At the eye of a story at present playing out in schools, workplaces and courts across the U.Due south. is a disagreement over the legal significant of the word "sex" — and whether discrimination against gay and transgender people for being gay or transgender is sex discrimination.

The White House has a particular kind of power over this question. Information technology has the power to interpret whether LGBTQ people are protected by sexual practice discrimination protections in laws passed past Congress, to issue rules and policies that reflect that interpretation, and — through those deportment — the power to transport a message to the state.

In the concluding several years, two White House administrations accept used this ability in diametrically opposite ways. LGBTQ activists and their allies say information technology feels like civil rights "whiplash."

Take, for case, the Obama assistants's guidance to schools on transgender students that came out in the spring of 2016. Information technology required schools to protect transgender students from harassment, conform their preferred names and pronouns, and requite them access to the locker rooms and bathrooms of their choice.

Sasha Buchert clearly remembers the relief she felt when that guidance came out. At the time, she was an attorney with the Transgender Constabulary Middle in Oakland, Calif., tracking these issues closely, and watching equally the land became consumed with what the New York Times editorial board referred to as "trans bathroom hysteria."

Earlier that twelvemonth, a bill called HB2 had passed in North Carolina requiring people to utilise the bathrooms that matched their birth document.

During argue on that bill in the N Carolina statehouse, Buchert listened to the untelevised special session from her role in Oakland — it was 4 a.m. on the West Coast.

"It passed and my heart merely sank," she says.

Attorney Sasha Buchert now works for Lambda Legal, in Washington, D.C., on LGBTQ federal policy and litigation. Max Posner/NPR hibernate caption

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Attorney Sasha Buchert now works for Lambda Legal, in Washington, D.C., on LGBTQ federal policy and litigation.

Max Posner/NPR

The police sparked protests and a national financial backlash against North Carolina: PayPal decided not to bring 400 jobs to the state, Bruce Springsteen canceled a concert, and the National Basketball Clan moved its All-Star Game out of the land.

At the same time, Virginia teenager Gavin Grimm's lawsuit against his county school lath for its policy on transgender students was headed for the Supreme Court. As he explained to NPR at the fourth dimension, "The alternative facility was a unisex bathroom. I'thousand not unisex. I'm a boy."

More than and more personal stories from young transgender people flooded the news, including one most a 9-year-old who said she was "actually mad and pitiful," to have an anonymous note slipped into her homework folder that read: "Y'all're a male child not a daughter get it throu your caput."

When the Obama education department issued its federal guidance to schools in May of that year, Buchert felt empathy and relief — first of all — for young transgender people around the country, she says. "At that place are real people — real trans people — who are suffering discrimination, not going to the bathroom, skipping gym form. Those kinds of discriminatory conditions can accept a lifelong touch on on these youth."

She says she also felt relief on behalf of the schools around the state that needed clarity.

"I don't think that all schools have deep-seated animus towards transgender people," Buchert says. "I remember they're just dislocated and they don't know what their liabilities are, what they're required to do nether the police. The guidance was helpful for them — it antiseptic what their duties and responsibilities are."

Krys Didtrey, left, and Gloria Merriweather, middle, led chants in a Raleigh, N.C., statehouse protest in 2016 in opposition to HB2, a country police that, in result, required people to merely apply designated bathrooms that matched the sex activity on their birth certificate. The police was repealed in 2017. Robert Willett/Raleigh News & Observer/Tribune News Service via Getty Images hide explanation

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Robert Willett/Raleigh News & Observer/Tribune News Service via Getty Images

Krys Didtrey, left, and Gloria Merriweather, center, led chants in a Raleigh, Northward.C., statehouse protest in 2016 in opposition to HB2, a state law that, in effect, required people to simply use designated bathrooms that matched the sexual practice on their nativity certificate. The law was repealed in 2017.

Robert Willett/Raleigh News & Observer/Tribune News Service via Getty Images

One thing she did not feel was that the White House was creating new law, or acting on an activist agenda.

"It was based on existing police force," she says. Buchert had studied the legal history years earlier, equally a newly out transgender lawyer living in Washington, D.C. "I would go to the American University Law School and just read through the case law and just try to get a better idea about trans rights," she says.

Though the U.S. had a history of bigotry, Buchert realized, "there is merely and so much example law holding that trans people are protected" when it comes to discrimination on the basis of "sex." The Obama administration's school guidance — in her view — was correctly applying that existing law.

Ryan Anderson'south reaction at the fourth dimension was very unlike. He'due south a senior inquiry beau at The Heritage Foundation, a bourgeois recollect tank, and he'southward written books about religious liberty, gender and marriage.

"This was the executive co-operative of regime making new law, which violates separation of powers," he says of the Obama White House's 2016 guidance to schools on transgender issues. Anderson also felt the guidance merely considered the needs of transgender students.

"It didn't accept into consideration the concerns of other students — whether that would be female athletes who have concerns [near] competing confronting boys who place as girls, whether that'southward female students have concerns about privacy and bathrooms, locker rooms, dorm rooms, etc."

Sudden policy reversals under Trump

The turnabout from the Trump administration came rapidly. In Feb 2017, just a few weeks after President Trump's inauguration, his assistants rescinded the transgender student guidance. Weeks later on that, because of the reversal, the Supreme Court took transgender plaintiff Gavin Grimm's case off its agenda.

Gavin Grimm, who is at present 20, with his mom Deirdre Grimm a couple of years ago, in Gloucester, Va. The transgender teen sued the Gloucester County School Board in 2015, subsequently it barred him from using the boys' bathroom. Nikki Khan/The Washington Post via Getty Images hide explanation

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Nikki Khan/The Washington Post via Getty Images

Of class, Obama'south transgender student guidance wasn't the but i Trump quickly reversed. Obama'due south policies in regards to Iran, the Paris Climate Accordance, many environmental regulations and more than have as well been reversed. Much of that was telegraphed in campaign promises. Merely the reversals on LGBTQ rights and protections were not, Buchert says.

"It did shock me," she says, "that this was 1 of the first things they decided they needed to move on." Before President Trump came into office, he seemed to be moving in a different direction on these problems — vowing "to protect our LGBTQ citizens" in his convention speech communication, and posing with a rainbow flag while campaigning.

Trumps reversal of Obama'due south transgender student guidance was just the first "alarm shot," Buchert says, that the courtship of LGBTQ voters ended with the campaign, and equally president, Trump planned to move aggressively to roll back LGBTQ protections.

For Anderson, Trump's pivot was no surprise. Despite the signals that he might be friendly to the LGBTQ community, Anderson says, "the general stance that Trump had taken was, 'Look, I'thou going to be a friend to social conservatives. I'g going to be a friend to evangelicals and Catholics.' "

Rolling back Obama'south transgender student guidance was a priority for those groups, Anderson says. Plus, he adds, rescinding the guidance was only a return to how things had been less than a year before. "I don't call up that's a particularly extreme, outrageous, controversial position to concord."

More than reversals soon followed. In July 2017, Trump tweeted that transgender people could no longer serve in the military. Buchert, a veteran who served as a scout sniper in the Marine Corps, says she constitute that particular policy change "extremely insulting."

In October of 2017, so Attorney General Jeff Sessions issued a memo that the U.Due south. Department of Justice would no longer argue in court that transgender people are federally protected from employment bigotry. Past that indicate, Buchert had packed up her belongings and moved to Washington D.C. to work for Lambda Legal on LGBTQ federal policy and litigation, so she could "exist in the fight."

Behind all of these reversals is the Trump administration's position that being gay or transgender is a category of identity that is dissimilar from "biological sex," and therefore not protected under current law — a consummate about-confront from the position taken by the Obama assistants.

"It securely concerns me as a transgender person that they're going later on our protections, placing our lives at chance. Simply it's as well offensive as an attorney," Buchert says. "They just are willfully ignoring the rule of law." For instance, she points out the department of Justice memo on transgender people and employment discrimination cites a dissent in a sexual orientation instance, which she calls "very, very sketchy justification."

Transgender Army veteran Tanya Walker addressed protesters in New York's Times Square on July 26, 2017. The demonstrators had gathered near a military machine recruitment centre, aroused at Trump's conclusion to reinstate a ban on transgender individuals from serving in the armed forces. Spencer Platt/Getty Images hide caption

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Buchert knows that virtually transgender people are non reading and analyzing these memos and rules as legal documents. What they are hearing, she says, is the message that they're not protected by the federal regime and that they should be afraid. Buchert emphasizes there are many years of judicial cases establishing the protections and rights of transgender people.

"We've tried very hard to reassure people that those protections even so be and nosotros'll keep fighting for you lot," she says. As an chaser working on these bug, she says information technology's "hard not to carry the weight."

"I go on hoping our country is better than this," she says.

A failed 'poison pill' in a landmark police force

To meliorate understand the history of sex activity bigotry and U.S. constabulary, a adept identify to start is a major piece of legislation that established wide protections for many vulnerable groups: the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

"The original Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibited discrimination based on race, color, national origin, etc., but did non include discrimination based on sex," says law professor Samuel Bagenstos of the University of Michigan.

"Sexual practice" was added to Title Seven — the function of the law that prohibits employment bigotry — in an subpoena put forward in late stages of debate of the bill that became the Civil Rights Human action. The group behind the amendment was what Bagenstos calls a "weird coalition" of Southern conservatives (who believed the word would be a "poison pill" that would doom the whole bill) and women's rights advocates (who thought it was an important and necessary protection).

"Evidently, the people who calculated that adding 'sex activity' would sink the beak were incorrect," Bagenstos notes." 'Sexual activity' got added, and the pecker got passed anyway."

Still, fifty-fifty though it was on the books, sex-based discrimination initially was viewed as "kind of a joke," Bagenstos says. "It really took a lot of work by social movement actors within the feminist motility to organize and mobilize and bring cases — and bring political force per unit area — and so that by the terminate of the 1960s, both the [Equal Employment Opportunity Commission] and the courts were beginning to recognize the prohibition on sex activity discrimination was something serious."

Anthony Michael Kreis, a law professor at Chicago-Kent College of Law, says when it comes to LGBTQ people, if you took a fourth dimension machine dorsum to the year the law showtime passed — 1964 — y'all'd find a "pretty bleak" legal landscape.

"There isn't a land-broad anti-bigotry constabulary that protected LGBTQ people [at that time]," Kreis says. "There's no relationship recognition for same sex couples. And trans people are targeted — because many municipalities had anti cantankerous-dressing laws."

Information technology didn't take long for people involved in the growing gay rights motion to begin considering how the protection against discrimination on the ground of "sex" might impact them, Kreis says.

"In 1966, in that location was a protestation at Julius'southward Bar in Manhattan — the bar, citing state regulators, refused to serve these openly gay men," Kreis says. "And at the time, the chairman of what's essentially the New York City'south version of the Equal Opportunity Employment Commission, suggested that this was a form of sex discrimination — and this is just ii years after the Civil Rights Human action of 1964 was passed."

In the 1970s and 1980s, gay and transgender people began to file lawsuits making this statement, Kreis says, but it took decades before judges began to side with them.

Two important Supreme Court decisions set the foundation for their arguments. The kickoff was Price Waterhouse vs. Hopkins in 1989. Ann Hopkins was non promoted to partner at the house considering those in accuse thought her as well aggressive and not feminine plenty. (One partner at the firm advised her, she says, that if she wanted a promotion, she should "walk more femininely, talk more femininely, wearing apparel more femininely, habiliment makeup and jewelry, have my hair styled.")

Ann Hopkins, pictured with her children, was the plaintiff in a landmark case about sex-discrimination in the workplace — Price Waterhouse five. Hopkins. The Supreme court ruled in 1989 that "sex stereotyping" — discriminating confronting someone for not conforming to gender-based expectations — is a form of sex discrimination. Lucian Perkins/The Washington Post via Getty Images hide caption

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Ann Hopkins, pictured with her children, was the plaintiff in a landmark case about sex-discrimination in the workplace — Toll Waterhouse v. Hopkins. The Supreme courtroom ruled in 1989 that "sex stereotyping" — discriminating against someone for not conforming to gender-based expectations — is a form of sex discrimination.

Lucian Perkins/The Washington Post via Getty Images

The court ruled that "sexual practice stereotyping" — discriminating confronting someone for not conforming to gender-based expectations — was a form of sexual practice discrimination.

Then, some other landmark decision emerged from the high court in 1998: In Oncale v. Sundowner Offshore Services, Inc., Joseph Oncale claimed that he had been harassed on the ground of sex by his male co-workers on an oil platform in the Gulf of Mexico. The courtroom ruled unanimously that this did found sex bigotry.

Justice Antonin Scalia, who wrote the decision, made a crucial point: "Male-on-male sexual harassment in the workplace was assuredly not the principal evil Congress was concerned with when it enacted Championship 7. Merely statutory prohibitions often go beyond the main evil to comprehend reasonably comparable evils, and it is ultimately the provisions of our laws, rather than the principal concerns of our legislators, by which we are governed."

LGBTQ advocates have congenital on that argument, Bagenstos of the University of Michigan explains. "In 1964, maybe no ane was thinking about this law protecting gays and lesbians and transgender individuals — they may not take had however words to draw really the kind of bigotry at issue here that nosotros do at present," he says. "But they wrote a law that said if you're treated less well considering of your sexual activity, that is unlawful. And these are people who are existence treated less-well because of their sexual activity."

Today, the argument attorneys for LGBTQ people are making goes something like this: "If you're fine with Jane coming to work as Jane, just yous take a trouble with Jane coming to work as Joe, the only matter that's inverse is the sex," explains Buchert of Lambda Legal.

"Or if Jane has a picture of her husband on her desk and y'all're fine with that, but she puts a picture of her wife on her desk and you have a problem with that — that's a sex-based consideration."

The counterargument from the Trump administration and its allies is that someone'south sex refers to whether they are a man or a woman, and that even if discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity is unjust, it'southward non sex activity discrimination — and is currently not legally protected.

To illustrate this idea, Anderson from Heritage uses the example of how Caitlyn Jenner, a celebrity who is transgender, might experience sex discrimination in applying for a job: "Someone could say, I think you're really a man and therefore I'm not going to hire you because only women can practice this sort of work, or I recollect you're a woman and I won't hire you because only men can exercise this sort of work."

In either of those cases, Anderson argues, "Caitlyn is still protected against sex discrimination. But if someone was to say, 'Oh, I won't hire you considering you're trans,' that'southward not a statutory protection that Congress has chosen to enact."

A need for clarity

In the early on days of the Obama administration, Bagenstos worked in the Civil Rights Sectionalisation of the Justice Department, and says it was a articulate priority within the White Firm to "try and come across where — within existing constabulary — they could extend more protections against discrimination to LGBT individuals."

It started effectually 2011, when officials in the Obama administration'south Employment Equal Opportunity Commission decided they needed to make a clarifying telephone call on the question of whether "sex" encompassed sexual orientation and gender identity.

The story of this process is laid out in an amicus brief in 3 employment discrimination cases currently before the Supreme Courtroom — a brief submitted past federal officials who worked in the Obama administration. In the brief, they write: "The evolving and increasingly dislocated case constabulary, and escalating need to address real, ongoing bigotry, prompted the EEOC and several Departments to undertake deep and detailed analyses of whether the prior exclusionary approaches to Title Vii and similar laws were correct."

After creating an LGBT working group and doing careful assay, the EEOC concluded that sexual orientation and gender identity "are intrinsically subsets of sexual activity and, thus, are squarely covered by Title Seven'due south prohibition of bigotry based on sex."

Other departments and agencies around the same time were coming to the same conclusion. In 2014, Attorney Full general Eric Holder wrote in a memorandum: "I accept adamant that the all-time reading of Title VII's prohibition of sex discrimination is that it encompasses discrimination based on gender identity, including transgender condition." In 2016, the Defense Secretarial assistant appear that transgender servicemembers could serve openly. The Federal Bureau of Prisons, Health and Man Services, and the Department of Housing and Urban Development all issued rules and policies in the same vein in those years.

Destiny, transgender and, at the time, homeless, talked with a friend almost a Chicago homeless shelter in 2011. The Trump assistants has proposed reversing an Obama-era rule that requires homeless shelters to house transgender people according to their gender identities. David Pierini/Chicago Tribune/Tribune News Service via Getty Images hide caption

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David Pierini/Chicago Tribune/Tribune News Service via Getty Images

This was part of a systematic effort across the executive branch. "I of the principles that has heretofore governed government policy is that the government should speak with i voice," says Jocelyn Samuels, who directed the HHS Office for Ceremonious Rights in the Obama years, and now runs the Williams Establish, a LGBTQ retrieve tank at the UCLA School of Law. The collective efforts were painstaking, she says.

"The agencies involved took a very careful expect at the linguistic communication of each statute underlying the programs, at the legislative history and at the case police force," she says, in coming to the conclusion that sexual orientation and gender identity were legally protected.

That process stretched beyond Title VII and employment discrimination to include, for instance, sexual practice discrimination in wellness care, as outlined in Department 1557 of the Affordable Care Act, and sex discrimination in schools in Title IX of the of the Education Amendments Act of 1972.

Buchert says the piece of work happening in the federal government was "the culmination of a lot of advocacy that had been washed and a lot of recognition that trans people exist," she says. "That visibility also brings along with it a lot of opposition."

A 'tit for tat' response

Nether the Trump Administration, each of these policies has been rolled back or rescinded, ane by one.

"The Obama assistants was working to advance LGBTQ rights within the scope of what the police permitted," says Anthony Kreis, the law professor who studies LGBTQ discrimination. "The Trump assistants is — tit for tat — going dorsum and trying to contrary-engineer every single one of those advances."


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Kreis says it's created a feeling of "whiplash" betwixt the Obama andTrump administrations, especially in the context of Trump's signals early on that he would be more supportive of LGBTQ rights than past Republican presidents. The Trump administration does non just demonstrate "a resistance or passivity towards LGBTQ rights," Kreis says. "It's openly hostile in a way that I don't recollect anyone really quite could accept predicted."

Buchert describes the reversals equally "hurtful and infuriating." She adds that the administration has likewise, in her view, appointed many anti-LGBTQ judges, and has made moves to finish collecting data on LGBTQ people in a "drive to erase LGBT people from from the record." Bear witness for those charges was detailed in a report concluding year past the Sunlight Foundation, a nonprofit, nonpartisan group that advocates for openness in government.

Jocelyn Samuels — the former HHS managing director — says watching the electric current administration undo the piece of work that she and other officials labored over is "heartbreaking, considering it stands to put vulnerable people at risk beyond a whole spectrum of activities in which they should exist able to engage without fear of discrimination."

The Trump White Firm pushes back on the notion that President Trump is against gay or transgender people.

"President Trump has never considered LGBT Americans 2d class citizens, and has opposed bigotry of whatever kind against them," White House spokesperson Judd Deere tells NPR in an emailed statement. He notes Trump'south participation in Washington's Pride activities last year, and that the president has hired and promoted White Business firm staff who are gay, and pushed for international decriminalization of homosexuality.

The Trump assistants has also launched a programme to end the HIV epidemic — "a commitment that, when achieved, will save LGBT lives beyond the land," Deere says.

Anderson adds that the Trump administration's reversals are "entirely advisable." If you have determined, as the Trump administration has, that Obama overstepped the authority of the executive branch and misinterpreted the meaning of sexual practice discrimination, Anderson says, "then all of the various actions that the Obama administration took where it interpreted the discussion sex activity as gender identity were unlawful. And so going back to the original meaning of the word isn't a 'tit for tat,' it'south a restoring — upholding the rule of law."

What's side by side from Congress and the Supreme Court

Volition these legal reversals on protections for LGBTQ people proceed to toggle dorsum and along every fourth dimension the White House changes parties?

The answer to that depends in function on what the Supreme Court decides in those three upcoming cases related to LGBTQ people and employment bigotry: Distance Express v. Zarda; Bostock v. Clayton County; and R.Thou. & Yard.R. Harris Funeral Homes Inc. five. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Oral arguments in those cases were heard in October 2019.

In each case, a gay or transgender person was fired allegedly considering of their sexual orientation or gender identity. The Supreme Court's decisions, expected sometime this spring, will plant whether or not those firings are legal under Title VII of the Ceremonious Rights Act of 1964, which prohibits "sexual activity" bigotry in employment.

Aimee Stephens was fired from the Michigan funeral home where she worked in 2013 — considering, she says, she'd recently come up out as being transgender. Stephens' lawsuit is one of iii cases now nether consideration in the Supreme Court that explore federal civil rights constabulary as information technology relates to LGBTQ people. Paul Sancya/AP hide caption

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Paul Sancya/AP

"The Supreme Court, when it weighs in on these Championship VII cases, will probably tell u.s.a. a lot nearly what the law is going to exist — unless and until Congress acts," Bagenstos says. Those decisions will determine how "sex" can exist interpreted under current law. But, he adds, "ultimately y'all'll get more stability when Congress passes a new police force."

A bill chosen The Equality Deed has been kicking effectually Congress for decades — it was outset introduced in 1974, just x years later the Civil Rights Human action became police. The electric current version of the Equality Act would enshrine in law many of the protections conferred by the Obama administration's rules and policies, by explicitly prohibiting discrimination on the footing of sexual orientation and gender identity in educational activity, federal funding, employment, housing, and more than. Last twelvemonth, the Democrat-controlled House passed the bill and sent it to the Republican-controlled Senate, where it is not expected to be brought upwards for a vote.

Kreis makes the signal that polls suggest that, in comparing to by eras, American society is now much more accepting and understanding of people who are gay or transgender.

"Those lessons from the social move – the LGBTQ rights movement – haven't inverse and most Americans' views on this have non changed [since Trump'south election]," Kreis says. That's "what makes the Trump administration'south about-face so hard for then many people to swallow."

Anderson from the Heritage Foundation doesn't think there's a contradiction betwixt social progress and Trump'southward rollbacks — he says it's about "dash" on these bug. "I don't think anyone in America wants to be bullying or harassing or denigrating LGBT people," he says. "But I also call back there are reasons that women are concerned about privacy and rubber in public restrooms or locker rooms or the equality on athletic fields and tracks."

Joaquín Carcaño, at his dwelling house in North Carolina in 2016. A transgender man, Carcaño was the lead plaintiff in a lawsuit brought against the governor of Due north Carolina to block HB2, the country's "transgender bath police force." The case settled last year after the police force was repealed. Gerry Broome/AP hide caption

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Gerry Broome/AP

For Buchert of Lambda Legal, "information technology'south not about the bathroom," she says, and "information technology'southward about it's not about the cake," referring to the famous Masterpiece Cakeshop Supreme Court instance.

"If yous look at the legislative attacks," Buchert says, "they have evolved. And you tin can see that this is clearly a concerted effort to find what's going to work to rollback trans rights. Is it the bath? They had loftier hopes and it didn't piece of work out — there was a lot of back up and a lot of beloved for trans people in the customs, and people saw through the deception that [allowing trans people to utilise certain bathrooms] is harmful for women in some way."

She says she sometimes reminds herself of a saying most social movements: "First, they practise ignore you, then they do laugh at you and then they fight you — and so you win."

"For a long menstruation of our history, we've been ignored and laughed at," Buchert says. "If y'all look at the sitcoms from '60s, '70s, '80s TV — a man in a dress is 'the well-nigh hilarious affair ever,' " she says. "The folks that oppose united states have moved from laughing at us to fighting united states of america. It'south not over — we're rolling up our sleeves considering information technology's gonna exist a long fight."

Along with her work on policy and LGBTQ discrimination cases — Buchert likewise wants to fight the message she says the Trump administration'southward actions are sending: that gay and transgender people should not be protected from bigotry and that they should just disappear or pretend to be something they are not.

Her own message? "We're simply people," Buchert says, and laughs. "Nosotros similar dogs. Nosotros like water ice cream. We're real people — this is how nosotros were made." And, she adds, "we're not going back in the closet."


Source: https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2020/03/02/804873211/whiplash-of-lgbtq-protections-and-rights-from-obama-to-trump

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